Tennis Elbow: An Introduction for Athletes and the Anatomy Behind It

Tennis and golf: two sports celebrated for their technique and finesse, but they share a common and painful adversary - Tennis Elbow. But what is Tennis Elbow and how do you treat it?

Unpacking Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow, medically termed Lateral Epicondylitis, is an overuse injury that manifests in the tendons of the forearm. These tendons attach to the bony prominence on the outside of the elbow called the lateral epicondyle, hence the name. Contrary to what the name might suggest, not just tennis players suffer from this; golfers and other racket sports enthusiasts can attest to its discomfort.

The Anatomy of the Pain

The forearm consists of various muscles that allow for wrist and hand movement. When these muscles are overused, particularly the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB), micro-tears may form at its origin point on the lateral epicondyle. The result is inflammation and pain. As the ECRB muscle stabilizes the wrist during a straight-arm swing, whether it's the serve in tennis or the drive in golf, it's particularly vulnerable to overuse.

It’s this repeated strain and lack of time to heal properly that leads to a cycle of inflammation and pain, characteristic of Tennis Elbow. Symptoms often include pain and tenderness at the lateral epicondyle, which can radiate into the forearm and worsen with gripping actions.

Why Tennis and Golf?

The repetitive swinging and gripping actions in both tennis and golf place a significant strain on the forearm muscles. Over time, without adequate care, rest, and technique, this consistent strain can exacerbate the micro-tears in the tendons, leading to increased inflammation and discomfort.

Managing Tennis Elbow with Arm Compression and Braces

  1. Arm Compression: Compression sleeves increase blood circulation, thereby promoting faster healing by improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the injured site. The constant pressure also reduces swelling and provides muscular support, helping alleviate pain.

  2. Arm Braces: Tennis elbow braces or straps are typically worn just below the painful spot. They help distribute pressure across the arm instead of the sore tendons, offering immediate pain relief and shielding the tendon from further strain during activities.

Enter FlexxLine’s Elbow Support Products

For those in search of the optimal blend of support and relief, FlexxLine offers the Elbow Support and Elbow Compression Sleeve. Surgeon designed, these products incorporate an advanced understanding of human anatomy and biomechanics. Tested rigorously with athletes, FlexxLine ensures that the wearer gets therapeutic benefits without sacrificing performance or comfort.


Tennis Elbow, though prevalent among racket sports players and golfers, doesn't have to spell the end of your game. A combination of adequate rest, proper technique, and the right support equipment can help keep you on the court or course. FlexxLine’s surgeon-designed and athlete-tested products stand as a testament to how medical expertise can merge seamlessly with sportive pursuits. Whether you're aiming for a birdie or serving an ace, FlexxLine is here to back you up.